Printable bingo boards with images or text. These are great tools for party printables, kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers and language teachers to make resources for their lessons.

The maker allows you to make your choice of 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5 bingo boards. You can select up to 30 images (or 30 text entries) that you want to use, but you can also use less. There are 2k+ images separated into easy to use categories. It's simple, fast, easy to use, but very powerful.

You can make up to 28 bingo boards at a time. 4 boards will print on one sheet of paper for the 3x3 boards. 2 boards will print on one sheet of paper for the 4x4 boards. 1 board per page for the 5x5 option.

You will need to choose at least 9 unique images to make 3x3 boards and 16 images if you'd like to make 4x4 boards. You do not need to select more than that though. You will need 25+ images if going for the mega 5x5 boards.

If you happen to coose the same image multiple times, the maker will disregard any duplicates.

Once your bingo boards have been generated, You should see a print menu at the top that you can use to print your boards. If you need more boards, just click 'reload' to shuffle the boards for an all new set.

If you have any troubles with the makers or just have suggestions for features that you'd like to see added, please email me at any time.

Tools for Educators

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