This CrissCross Bingo board maker let's you choose all images, all text, or a mix with images down the left and text across the top. For more information on how to use the maker or how to use these cards, check the information section below the user interface.
You can find a write up of how to play Crisscross Bingo here. You can use flashcards to play this game, or you can use the dice maker. Together, the boards and dice/flashcards make a fun and very useful conversation game.
How to use this game board maker:
- You must select enough images or enter enough text to create your board. So, for 3x3 boards, you need at least 3 images down and 3 images across.
- You don't have to select more than what's necessary. The maker will take the selections you enter and randomize those. The more you enter, the more unique your boards will be.
- The maker will randomize your 'down' and 'across' selections by default, keeping them separate. However, if you'd like, it can randomize all choice throughout both 'down' and 'across.' So, your selections will show up shuffled throughtout the board, basically ignoring 'down' and 'across'. To do this, just check the final box and it will take care of that for you.
- You can print 3x3 boards two per page, but the larger 4x4 boards and 5x5 boards will need to be printed 1 board per page.
- The maker generates 6 boards at a time. For more boards, just click the reload button or refresh your browser to get 6 new boards.
If you are having any troubles with this maker or just have a question, send me an email anytime. There is a contact link at the bottom of every page of the site.
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