Free printable dice maker from Tools for Educators: Create your own custom dice with pictures, text or both images and text. You can make dice with just your text or choose an image category to make dice with those images. (See below for some ideas on how to use the dice.)
There's more information about using the maker below the maker.
The basic idea for using these dice in communication classes is that students roll the dice and use the vocabulary that comes up. So for example you could make 2 dice with animals. If 'a horse' and 'a pig' come up, students might make a sentence like, 'A horse is faster than a pig.'
A few general ideas on how to use these dice to get you started:
- You can make a text die with punctuation like '.' '?' 'not' and a second di with images. Have students make a sentence, negative statement or question with the word that comes up on the image di.
- Have one image di (ex. animals) and a text di with questions (What does it eat? What color is it? Where does it live? Do you like it? What's its baby called? Have you ever seen it?)
- Make text dice with phonics digraphs, reading rules, and combinations. Have the students roll the dice and give them 2 minutes to write as many words as they can that contain those phonics rules.
- Make dice with numbers and different operators ( + , - , x ) or just use regular dice plus the operator dice for simple math practice.
- Make text dice with set questions or better yet, just the beginning, 'Have you ever ...?' / 'Do you have ...?' / 'Are you going to ...?' and use these as conversation starters and warm up activities.
- Combine the text dice with the printable board games in examples like those above. So instead of using two dice, you would use the content from the dice and content from the board position to practice your target language.
Here's a list of communication games you can play using dice. These can be used for conversational activities or they can be used with the Crisscross Bingo game from MES-English.
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