domino maker Free domino maker and domino templates from Tools for Educators: Make and print dominoes with images or text to make fun games for the classroom or home use. The image versions are great for vocabulary building and conversation activities. The text only version can be used for almost anything.

Make some dominoes!

The domino maker is a worksheet creator that allows you to create 10 dominoes per page. You can choose to have images on both sides, text on one side and an image on the other or text on both sides. It's super simple, fast, easy to use, but very powerful.

There is more information on how to use the maker below the domino maker form interface.

If you are unsure of how to use these, here are two info-graphics to explain the basic concept.

how to play dominoes
how to play dominoes

Basic game play:
- distribute all of the dominoes evenly to all players. - the first player places one of their dominoes on the table and performs whatever content associated task for both sides of the domino.
- The new player can play off of either end, this time performing the content task for the connecting section only.
- If a player can't play, that player passes. And it's the next players turn.
- When one player has played all of their pieces, that player is the winner.
- If no one can play, the player with the least amount of pieces left is the winner.

- Give out only 5~7 pieces at the start. If a player can't play, they have to draw a piece from the pile of unused dominoes and it's the next player's turn.
- Have a separate task for when a player can't play and has to pass.

These can also be used for party games and ice-breakers:
- Use the text option with dots and add some 'get to know you' questions. As the players play, they ask the different questions on the dominoes to an individual or the group.
- Use the text option with dots and add some conversation starter prompts, 'One time when I was a child, I ...', 'I have never ...', 'Next year, I want to ...' for example. The players play a regular game of dominoes but finish the conversation prompts as they play their pieces.

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