Make Vocabulary Handouts
Create custom vocabulary worksheets with images and text. Fill in as many words as you need (up to 24) - empty fields will be automatically skipped. For best results, I suggest you use atleast 10 selections. See below for more information on the maker.
The worksheet will automatically adjust to fit your selections on a single page. There is a border around the images but only up to 20 selections. If you choose 21+ options, I had to remove the border to keep the worksheet on one printable page.
When you select an image, the maker will auto-fill the text for that image. That is meant to be a time saver, but you can type over that text if you'd like to use a different word.
Warning: changing categories will reset your form data. I've done my best to preserve your data using your browser's preservation functions, but I can't guarantee preservation with a category change.
This maker can handle most foreign languages, so teachers or parents wishing to use this maker for their students/children should be able to.
If you are having any trouble with the maker (or just have a suggestion,) please send me an email and I'll look into it as soon as possible. There is a contact link at the bottom of every page.
End User License Agreement: You are free to use any resource created from this site as an end user and MES grants you an End User License with the following restrictions: You may not redistribute, copy, modify, transfer, transmit, repackage, re-engineer, charge for, or sell any of the materials from this site. You may use photocopies or printouts for the purposes of distributing them for free to your students. MES reserves the right to terminate or make changes to this agreement for any reason and without notice.
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