Free writing worksheets or vocabulary practice worksheets where you can select an image, and make handwriting worksheets, tracing sheets, or just leave them as blank lines.
The templates will open in a new tab. Then, you can write single words, a couple sentences, leave them blank for free writing practice, or use them as spelling test templates. (More ideas below)
Ideas for how to use these templates:
- You can type the vocabulary word one or two times and students trace the words on the first line and use the second line for their own practice.
- You can type the vocabulary word on the first line for students to practice and a short example sentence on the second line.
- Leave all of the text fields blank and use the template as a free writing exercise. In this way, it can also serve as a spelling test.
There are more ways to use this template, so don't feel limited by these ideas. I tried to make all of the templates flexible and useful for a broad range of classroom situations.
Unfortunately, this template will only work for a few languages other than English. If you are teaching in another langauge, you can try it, but some of the characters may not appear correctly.
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