This Knock Out Race is a free online board game application that allows you to create a themed board game with pictures of your choice. You can select a board with all images, customize a board with text of your choice and mix with images, or just create a board that is all text.

The Knock Out Game

How to play:

- the game needs 2 to 4 players.

- Each player places one or more markers at their start position, blue for example.

- Players roll the dice and move that many spaces clockwise around the board. The goal is to move their pieces one time around the loop and into their respective finish spots.

- If player A is moving his marker and lands on a space with another player's marker, Player C for example, Player C's marker is 'knocked out' and must return to the start. Hence, the name, 'The Knock Out Race'

- You can have players use one marker and when the first player reaches their goal, they are the winner. Alterntively, you can give each player 2 or more markers and they have to get all of their markers into their finish spot to win.

- When the player lands on a content spot, they perform the task that you've assigned. It could be a language task or you can enter math questions into the game. The text only version is very flexible.

*** Variations ***

- Require players to roll a six to be able to start. If they roll a six, they can leave the start position and advance onespot onto the board. If they roll a 1~5 they don't start and it's the next player's turn.

- Make one of the numbers a roll again number. For example 2 is a roll again number. If the player rolls a 2, they move two and they get another turn.

- Allow players to have multiple markers on the board at once. The player can advance one marker around the board and into the goal before moving the 2nd marker. Alternatively, the player can move the 1st marker or the 2nd marker, whichever is better for them strategically.

I hope to have a few game options but here are some other snaking options:

the Galactic Challenge is a sci-fi theme.

Fantasy Park is a cool fantasy design

Race to the Finish is a cute board game with an animal theme.

These can handle some foreign languages as well. So, French teachers, LOTE teachers, German teachers, Spanish teachers and more can use the board game maker in their classes as well.

Tools for Educators

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