These CrissCross Bingo board makers are game templates that allow you to create CrissCross bingo boards for any of the available vocabulary categories. These boards are designed to be used with the dice from the dice maker or you can use flashcards from MES-English. The maker allows you to make 3x3, 4x4, or 5x5 boards with images, text, or a mix of both.
You can find a write up of how to play Crisscross Bingo here. Use flashcards to play or you can use the dice maker. Together, the boards and dice/flashcards make a fun and very useful conversation game.
I recommend laminating your boards so you can reuse them. These game boards and other pieces are a little teadious to assemble. But, once you have the sets created, the game is excellent for the classroom.
If you have larger classes, you don't need to make 30+ unique boards. I recommend creating sets of 6-8 boards - So just print 5 copies of your 8 boards - and use your sets in small groups of 6 students. Playing in smaller groups will dramatically increase speaking time per person.
If you don't want to use dice nor do you have the flascards, there are online flashcards at MES English to match all of these categories and images. In the online flashcard menu, there is an option for 'deck of cards'. You can use that to draw your cards instead of dice or real flashcards. This option is great because you can pull this up on a smartboard or use them in online lessons.
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